A renowned cleric, Apostle Anselm Madubuko, has shared a detailed account of his involvement in resolving a long-standing dispute involving popular gospel producer Ezekiel ThankGod, EeZee Tee, and popular gospel singers Mercy Chinwo and Judikay.
The cleric’s intervention, which began in 2022, faced significant challenges despite his commitment to fostering peace among the parties.
In his press statement dated January 18, 2025, Apostle Madubuko, the Apostolic Leader and Founder of Revival Assembly Ministries International, popularly called The New Anointing, revealed that he first became aware of the disagreement in 2022.
Concerned about the growing discord, he decided to act as a mediator.
“As believers, we must always strive for reconciliation with humility and fairness, ensuring that God is glorified in our actions,” Apostle Madubuko explained.
He initiated a reconciliation meeting, bringing together all parties involved. Gospel music minister Chioma Jesus was also present to lend her support.
During the meeting, several grievances were addressed and resolved. However, the allegations of revenue mismanagement remained a sticking point.
“To ensure fairness, I proposed an independent audit of the financial records to resolve all doubts. Transparency was key to rebuilding trust among the parties,” Apostle Madubuko stated.
His proposal was accepted by all parties, and they scheduled a follow-up meeting for February 17, 2023.
Despite initial progress, reconciliation efforts hit a roadblock in 2023. EeZee Tee, according to Apostle Madubuko, abandoned the process shortly after the meeting.
“Unfortunately, EeZee Tee avoided my calls and messages, making further mediation impossible. For two years, he withheld Mercy Chinwo’s revenue records, which only deepened the conflict,” the cleric revealed.
Apostle Madubuko noted that this lack of cooperation stalled efforts to bring resolution, leaving Mercy Chinwo and Judikay frustrated.
Escalation to the EFCC and a Renewed Hope in 2024
By 2024, the unresolved dispute had escalated, drawing the attention of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.
This marked a critical turning point in the saga. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, EeZee Tee reached out to Apostle Madubuko again, seeking renewed mediation.
“He admitted his mistakes and requested that Mercy Chinwo and Judikay withdraw their cases from the EFCC so that reconciliation could proceed,” Apostle Madubuko disclosed.
The cleric emphasized the need for humility and accountability, stressing that such virtues are non-negotiable for Christians.
“Reconciliation is only possible when all parties are willing to take responsibility for their actions and work towards genuine forgiveness,” he said.
A Call for Peace and Accountability
In closing, Apostle Madubuko urged all parties to embrace transparency and allow healing to take place.
“This matter is not just about individuals but about our collective witness as believers. We must show the world that we can resolve our differences in love and truth,” he stated.
The cleric remains hopeful that his efforts will yield lasting peace.
“It is my prayer that God’s grace will prevail and that the involved parties will find a path to unity,” he said.
Apostle Madubuko’s revelations have shed light on the complexities of the dispute while highlighting the importance of reconciliation and accountability within the gospel music industry.